Source code for qartez.__init__

__title__ = 'django-qartez'
__version__ = '0.6'
__build__ = 0x000006
__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan <>'
__all__ = ('ImagesSitemap', 'StaticSitemap', 'RelAlternateHreflangSitemap',)

import datetime

from six import PY3

from django.contrib.sitemaps import Sitemap, GenericSitemap
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy
from django.utils.functional import lazy
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

from qartez.settings import (

PY2 = not PY3

[docs]class ImagesSitemap(GenericSitemap): """ Class for image sitemap. Implemented accordings to specs specifed by Google :example: >>> from qartez import ImagesSitemap >>> >>> foo_item_images_info_dict = { >>> 'queryset': FooItem._default_manager.exclude(image=None), # queryset >>> 'image_location_field': 'image', # image location >>> 'image_title_field': 'title', # image title >>> 'location_field': 'get_absolute_url' # an absolute URL of the page >>> # where image is shown >>> } >>> >>> foo_item_images_sitemap = { >>> 'foo_item_images': ImagesSitemap(foo_item_images_info_dict, \ >>> priority=0.6), >>> } """ def __init__(self, info_dict, priority=None, changefreq=None): """ Constructor. :param dict info_dict: :param priority float: :param str changefreq: """ self.image_location_field = info_dict.get('image_location_field', None) self.image_caption_field = info_dict.get('image_caption_field', None) self.image_title_field = info_dict.get('image_title_field', None) if self.image_title_field: if PY2: self.image_title_field = unicode(self.image_title_field) else: self.image_title_field = str(self.image_title_field) self.image_geo_location_field = info_dict.get( 'image_geo_location_field', None ) self.image_license_field = info_dict.get('image_license_field', None) self.location_field = info_dict.get('location_field', None) super(ImagesSitemap, self).__init__(info_dict, priority, changefreq)
[docs] def image_location(self, item): """ Gets image location. """ if self.image_location_field is not None: try: image_location_field = getattr(item, self.image_location_field) if callable(image_location_field): return image_location_field() else: return image_location_field except Exception as e: return None return None
[docs] def image_caption(self, item): """ Gets image caption. """ if self.image_caption_field is not None: return getattr(item, self.image_caption_field) return None
[docs] def image_title(self, item): """ Gets image title. """ if self.image_title_field is not None: return getattr(item, self.image_title_field) return None
[docs] def image_geo_location(self, item): """ Gets image geo location. """ if self.image_geo_location_field is not None: return getattr(item, self.image_geo_location_field) return None
[docs] def image_license(self, item): """ Gets image geo location. """ if self.image_license_field is not None: return getattr(item, self.image_license_field) return None
[docs] def location(self, item): """ Gets image location URL. """ if self.location_field is not None: try: location_field = getattr(item, self.location_field) if callable(location_field): return location_field() else: return location_field except Exception as e: return None return item.get_absolute_url()
def __get(self, name, obj, default=None): try: attr = getattr(self, name) except AttributeError: return default if callable(attr): return attr(obj) return attr def get_urls(self, page=1, site=None, protocol=None): # Determine protocol if self.protocol is not None: protocol = self.protocol if protocol is None: protocol = 'http' # Determine domain if site is None: if Site._meta.installed: try: site = Site.objects.get_current() except Site.DoesNotExist: pass if site is None: raise ImproperlyConfigured( "To use sitemaps, either enable the sites framework or " "pass a Site/RequestSite object in your view." ) domain = site.domain urls = [] for item in loc = self.__get('location', item, None) if loc and PREPEND_LOC_URL_WITH_SITE_URL: if PY2: loc = "{0}://{1}{2}".format( protocol, unicode(domain), unicode(loc) ) else: loc = "{0}://{1}{2}".format(protocol, str(domain), str(loc)) image_loc = self.__get('image_location', item, None) if image_loc and PREPEND_IMAGE_LOC_URL_WITH_SITE_URL: try: if PY2: image_loc = "{0}://{1}{2}".format( protocol, unicode(domain), unicode(image_loc) ) else: image_loc = "{0}://{1}{2}".format( protocol, str(domain), str(image_loc) ) except Exception as e: continue # Validating the changefreq changefreq = self.__get('changefreq', item, None) if changefreq is not None: assert changefreq in CHANGEFREQ # Validating the priority priority = self.__get('priority', item, None) if priority is not None: assert priority >= 0 and priority <= 1 url_info = { 'location': loc, 'image_location': image_loc, 'image_caption': self.__get('image_caption', item, None), 'image_title': self.__get('image_title', item, None), 'image_license': self.__get('image_license', item, None), 'image_geo_location': self.__get( 'image_geo_location', item, None ), 'lastmod': self.__get('lastmod', item, None), 'changefreq': changefreq, 'priority': priority } urls.append(url_info) return urls
[docs]class StaticSitemap(Sitemap): """ Sitemap for ``static`` pages. See constructor docstring for list of accepted (additional) arguments. :example: >>> from qartez import StaticSitemap >>> service_sitemap = StaticSitemap(priority=0.1, changefreq='never') >>> service_sitemap.add_named_pattern('blog.welcome') >>> service_sitemap.add_named_pattern('') >>> >>> content_types_sitemap = StaticSitemap(priority=1.0, changefreq='daily') >>> content_types_sitemap.add_named_pattern('blog.browse') # Homepage >>> content_types_sitemap.add_named_pattern( >>> 'blog.browse', kwargs={'content_type': 'articles'} >>> ) # Articles >>> content_types_sitemap.add_named_pattern( >>> 'blog.browse', kwargs={'content_type': 'downloads'} >>> ) # Downloads """ NAMED_PATTERN = 1 URL = 2 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructor. Accepts the following optional keyword-arguments (to be only specified as keyword-arguments). :param float priority: :param str changefreq: :param datetime.datetime|str lastmod: """ if 'priority' in kwargs: self.priority = kwargs.pop('priority') else: self.priority = 1.0 if 'changefreq' in kwargs: self.changefreq = kwargs.pop('changefreq') else: self.changefreq = 'never' if 'lastmod' in kwargs: self.lastmod = kwargs.pop('lastmod') else: self.lastmod = super(StaticSitemap, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._items = []
[docs] def items(self): """ Returns sitemap items. :return list: """ return self._items
def location(self, obj): return obj['location']
[docs] def add_named_pattern(self, viewname, urlconf=None, args=[], kwargs=None, \ lastmod=None, changefreq=None, priority=None): """ Ads a named pattern to the items list. :param str viewname: :param urlconf: :param list args: :param dict kwargs: :param lastmod: :param str changefreq: :param float priority: """ try: loc = reverse_lazy(viewname, urlconf, args, kwargs) self._items.append({ 'location': loc, 'lastmod': lastmod or self.lastmod, 'changefreq': changefreq if changefreq else self.changefreq, 'priority': priority if priority else self.priority }) except Exception as e: pass
[docs] def add_url(self, url, lastmod=None, changefreq=None, priority=None): """ Adds a URL to the items list. :param str url: :param lastmod: :param str changefreq: :param float priority: """ try: self.items.append({ 'location': url, 'lastmod': lastmod or self.lastmod, 'changefreq': changefreq if changefreq else self.changefreq, 'priority': priority if priority else self.priority }) except Exception as e: pass
[docs] def get_urls(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Make sure nothing breaks if some URL is unresolvable. :return list: """ try: return super(StaticSitemap, self).get_urls(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: return []
[docs]class RelAlternateHreflangSitemap(Sitemap): """ Sitemaps: rel="alternate" hreflang="x" implementation. Read the specs the specs here IMPORTANT: When you use this class you have to override the ``alternate_hreflangs`` method in your sitemap class. :example: >>> from qartez import RelAlternateHreflangSitemap >>> >>> class ArticleSitemap(RelAlternateHreflangSitemap): >>> def alternate_hreflangs(self, obj): >>> return [('en-us', obj.alternative_object_url),] """ def __get(self, name, obj, default=None): try: attr = getattr(self, name) except AttributeError: return default if callable(attr): return attr(obj) return attr
[docs] def alternate_hreflangs(self, item): """ You should override the "alternate_hreflangs" method in your sitemap class. """ raise NotImplementedError( """You have to override the "alternate_hreflangs" method in """ """your sitemap class. Refer to "qartez" app documentation for """ """details and examples.""" )
def _render_alternate_hreflangs(self, item): """ Renders the tiny bit of XML responsible for rendering the alternate hreflang code. :return str: """ alternate_hreflangs = self.__get('alternate_hreflangs', item, []) output = "" if alternate_hreflangs: for hreflang in alternate_hreflangs: output += REL_ALTERNATE_HREFLANG_SITEMAP_TEMPLATE.format( **{'lang': hreflang[0], 'href': hreflang[1]} ) return output def get_urls(self, page=1, site=None, protocol=None): # Determine protocol if self.protocol is not None: protocol = self.protocol if protocol is None: protocol = 'http' # Determine domain if site is None: if Site._meta.installed: try: site = Site.objects.get_current() except Site.DoesNotExist: pass if site is None: raise ImproperlyConfigured( "To use sitemaps, either enable the sites framework " "or pass a Site/RequestSite object in your view." ) domain = site.domain urls = [] for item in loc = "{0}://{1}{2}".format( protocol, domain, self.__get('location', item) ) url_info = { 'location': loc, 'lastmod': self.__get('lastmod', item, None), 'changefreq': self.__get('changefreq', item, None), 'priority': self.__get('priority', item, None), 'alternate_hreflangs': self._render_alternate_hreflangs(item), } urls.append(url_info) return urls